Friday, November 30, 2007

The golden oldies....

This is the age of anti wrinkle creams, face lifts and makeovers.

Personally, I started feeling old when I turned 35. That lasted a few years. And now I have crossed 50. My children like to gently remind me that this was a year ago. OK. So what if am 51! I have started looking forward to growing older. Not that I like those fine lines (aka wrinkles) that have begun to appear. But I do realise that there is a lot to look forward to as you grow older. I have begun to enjoy my children's achievements.

Our generation of oldies has had a good mix of life. We have enjoyed spending childhood and youth without the cell phone or the Internet, yet adapting to it with little difficulty. We have lived without the telephone, car, television,washing machine or the microwave. And therefore appreciate these devices that reduce drudgery without becoming complete slaves to them. We have experienced the joys of small town life having plucked fruits off trees rather than off the shelves in the supermarket.

And like our adopted granddaughter would say Good Life. So baby boomers go ahead apply the exotic lotion, the hair colour ( notice how they avoid calling it the 'hair dye'), look young, be fit and enjoy growing older.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Morning Walk....

Another attempt at resuming good habits. We started our morning walk again. It was nice getting up early and out in the hope to contain the expanding waistline. But walking is not too much of a joy these days. Especially when you choose to stay at the center of the city to avoid long distances to work. You pay the penalty. Not much of the fresh air even early in the day. Construction activity all around does not help much.

The early morning walk takes me back to when I was in school. As soon as vacations began we would all get up early and set off for a walk with my grandfather. He had his set of old cronies ( who were not much older than I am presently!!, but at that age they were OLD). All of them bright and chirpy at the unearthly hour. They would walk so briskly that we had to break into a run off and on to catch up with them. And that did not deter their conversation. All about their jobs and what a sense of humour they had. They never seemed to tire.

Back to the present. I still cannot walk at the pace my grand dad did!. It is quite amusing to size up others on the walk. Surreptitious glances to check the other's girth ( I can't be as fat as her!). Then there are those who seemed to have just got out of bed and onto the road. Others who give those why cant she dress her age look, just because I am in a pair of jeans ( old and faded). Some who are out that early going to work who look at you with the expression that reads life must be easy for these people who have the time to walk . Oh well, we have gone through that phase too. Back home after the walk, a quick look at the papers and into the kitchen and soon set for work which is actually when I am ready to put up my feet for a nap!! So much for the getting fit act!
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